Sheila Wallis is an artist completely captivated by the rawness of the human condition or as she puts it, ‘the seamier side of life...and human conflict’.
I went to the preview of her exhibition at the Lewis Elton Gallery, University of Surrey. The small but perfectly formed display of her work reveals her incredible talent for capturing not just the physical make-up of the human form, but the often involuntary display of passion and mood within.
For the past year, Sheila has been artist-in-residence at the Watts Gallery, Compton. There the practice of looking, then thinking through doing has been the theme of her work and hence she has called this exhibition - Thinking Through Doing.
I just loved the huge oil paintings showing the naked body, slumped on a bed, half-dozing, faraway in thought. Bold and brave use of greens, blues and grey bring a harsh reality to the paintings - no pretty pinks or soft edges - Sheila captures so much of the model’s spirit by her ruthless honesty.
Brilliant show! - the exhibition continues until September 30 and is open from 10am to 5pm weekdays. use the pay & display in main car park. Sat & Sun by appointment with the Surry Uni arts office - 01483 68 9167 Well worth the slight trek out of town.
More details from University of Surrey and the Watts Gallery.