Monday, 4 October 2010

Not strictly about art - but connected to the arts!
The RGS prizegiving held at Trinity Church last week featured Simon Bird, of Inbetweener's fame, to give a talk and present the prizes. Entertaining, and at times slightly near the edge, his speech had the boys clutching their sides with laughter (while some of the older members of the audience turned slightly pale).
Simon, an actor, writer and comedian, and old RGS boy studied English at Cambridge University.
He showed genuine surprise that he had been invited to present the prizes. "4 years ago" he said, "David Cameron presented the prizes and this year, you've got me, a tin pot comedian with a part in a purile show that is mainly centered around m****** " (word cannot print in my nice blog). Simon showed a great interest in the books chosen by students as their prizes, indeed he positively chortled at some. Following the ceremony, he was mobbed by boys wanting to chat about Inbetweeners and to get a part in the show. A very entertaining and refreshingly different speech day!

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